Who provokes dark circles! I hav…

Since yesterday, everyone has been 改善黑眼圈 issue of dark circles. It is understandable if women discuss it. After all, they love beauty, but dark circles have become the most concerned topic for men, especially men with dark circles are making statements for themselves, otherwise Will be looked at differently, you know!

What causes dark circles under the eyes

The most common causes of dark circles are fatigue, staying up late, anxiety, stress and lack of sleep:

1. Diseases of the endocrine system may also cause severe dark circles, such as adrenal insufficiency syndrome, which can cause skin pigmentation throughout the body, especially the eyelid pigmentation;

figure 2. Chronic toxic diseases may also cause dark circles under the eyes, which may be related to purple lips and discoloration of the nail bed

3. If the eyelid has long-term chronic inflammation, such as blepharitis, or long-term eye medication, such as long-term use of prostaglandin derivative anti-glaucoma drugs, dark circles may appear.

How to get dark circles

Before removing dark circles, we must first clarify the nature of dark circles, which are roughly divided into two categories.

The first category is pigmentation, which may be related to other topical skin care products and local tissue inflammation. The treatment research is mainly to reduce cytopigmentation analysis, and topical antioxidants, such as vitamin E ointment, arbutin whitening essence, etc. , Reduce the use of eye makeup products.

The second type is mainly venous stasis, mainly brownish-blue, and has nothing to do with local blood flow. The second category is mainly to improve local blood circulation, stay up late as much as possible, apply more heat, use polysulfonic mucopolysaccharide ointment for external use, and take oral vasodilators such as nifedipine and niacinamide. In addition to medication, topical massage and topical eye cream may also have certain effects. The treatment of dark circles is relatively slow, and it takes 1-2 months to be effective.

How 改善黑眼圈 eye bags

What should I do if the problem of dark circles is solved and the bags under the eyes are improved?

Eye bags can be solved by surgical methods. There are two ways to remove eye bags. The first is Korean internal method to remove eye bags without a trace, and the second is to cut eye bags. The two surgical methods are different. The internal method to remove eye bags is on the inner side of the eyelids. Make an incision to remove the adipose tissue of the lower eyelid, suitable for young people, non-hereditary bags under the eye; externally cut the eyelashes using the root of the eyelashes to make an incision to remove the adipose tissue of the lower eyelid.


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